Having taught the five phases for decades and explained them to clients for even longer, I am now 100% convinced that the simplest way to convey the essence of the model is to focus on the psycho-spiritual aspects of it. This is to say that when trying to explain the essence of the Wood (or Tree) element, I invariably find myself describing the Hun and its qualities rather than an abstract set of energetic frequencies, associations and tissues.
The five Shen of Oriental philosophy are one of our greatest and most flexible tools in Oriental medical practice. The essence of Oriental medicine is found on all levels of a being simultaneously, this means that no one level is more valid than any other – all are equally useful and pertinent depending on the moment or according to the situation. Since energy knows no boundaries, we are free to address our clients on each and every level, at any time, as we see fit, in the interests of the most authentic development of the human being we currently find ourselves in dialogue with.
After long consideration of the five Shen and their inter-relationships, we realize that we are in the presence of five sets of dynamic psycho-spiritual qualities, which influence each other in order to create endurance and resilience (Zhi) as a foil for spiritual freedom (Shen), physical integrity and bodily confidence (Po) as a contrast to creative imagination and expansive awareness (Hun), with the ability to embrace, hold and transform these radically different forces and enable them to meet, mix and merge (Yi). These polarities exist in the psycho-spiritual domain in order to highlight each other’s strengths and purpose.
Chris McAlister
In this workshop...
Meet the teacher
Born in England, Chris embarked on a transformative journey to India at the age of 22, redirecting the course of his life. He studied Shiatsu with Nigel Dawes in London before furthering his practice in Japan. Today, Chris is a renowned Shiatsu therapist, acupuncturist, and QiGong master. He is now rooted in Sweden and has nearly 40 years of professional experience. He has also made significant contributions to the field of Shiatsu as the president of the European Shiatsu Federation.
Click here to listen to our podcast episode featuring Chris.
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